Baby killer acquitted.
This could easily have been the headline to the coverage of a Florida mother accused – and acquitted – of killing her 2-year-old daughter this week. Continue reading
Baby killer acquitted.
This could easily have been the headline to the coverage of a Florida mother accused – and acquitted – of killing her 2-year-old daughter this week. Continue reading
I have been pretty hard on local news media in past posts — especially when it comes to their coverage of cops. This post will go easy on local news — at least at where I am from. Let’s, then, spread the love! Continue reading
Normally, I hate when people give book recommendations. But, after a great conversation with a local reporter today, I thought it might help if I present some conceptual work that can help us explore the meanings of news – especially because not all of us are crazy enough to study this stuff in school. Continue reading
Here’s how to screw-up a police story: Bury the lede. Wanna do better? Bury the facts, too.
The Cedar Rapids paper published this story today about the police department’s purchase of 10 new squad cars. The only thing wrong? They missed the news. Continue reading
U.S. news media credit themselves as being watchdogs, the vital Fourth Estate that balances the levels of power between the government and the people. For the most part, media likely do play such a role. How well they do so is a different story, though.
My question is, If media are watchdogs, who watches them? Continue reading